
Emily G. VandeKieft
I am a graduate student pursuing her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OTD) at the Pacific University of Occupational Therapy in Hillsboro, Oregon.

Photo: (VandeKieft, 2019)

Personal Mission Statement:
To be a source of positivity and encouragement that inspires self-confidence and guides clients in harnessing their own resiliency and strengths, and to be an ally and advocate for all clients using kindness, compassion, and education as my tools.

Why a Doctoral Degree?
My decision to pursue a doctoral degree springs from a yearning to explore my interests while simultaneously making a positive change in the world. This desire impels me toward scholarship, leadership, and personal development. I want to do something that is meaningful to the people I interact with and myself as the person providing service, and I want to build relationships with people that inspire growth and healing. Issues of mental health and occupational justice are close to my heart, and I am motivated to help people healthfully engage their activities of daily living and regain, improve upon, and/or learn new occupations.

I hope to connect with like-minded students and professionals through this ePortfolio, and inspire those interested or curious about occupational therapy to seek more information about this exciting and ever-growing field.