
In higher education, we generally consider an e-Portfolios to be a collection of evidence posted online that shows the progress of student learning over time (either a semester or entire program length) and demonstrates their competence or abilities within a discipline or subject.

Portfolios are used for many different purposes: for learning and/or assessment (learning portfolios), for professional development (credential portfolios), or for job applications and promotions (showcase portfolios). Depending on the purpose of portfolio it will have many different audiences: lecturers, mentors, employers, peers, or the student herself.

At Pacific University, we are developing our e-Portfolios in Google Sites and WordPress. Both platforms allow for students to easily create and develop websites,  assign multiple permissions within a site, integrate their site with other applications, and use program templates.

Examples of ePortfolios

Student ePortfolios

Faculty ePortfolios

Course ePortfolios

Departmental, Program and Project ePortfolios

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