
Ground breaking. Exciting. Interesting. Informative.  These are our hopes for this blog.  The idea began from a discussion with a student.  She wanted to know what her fellow classmates were doing regarding their capstone projects.  What were their topics? What were their findings? Could the School email all of the students updates as they finished? She didn’t want to wait until graduation; she wanted to be informed as soon as students finished their papers.

Hmmm…what an interesting idea. Now, how do we keep the students updated?  Better yet. How do we inform any individuals interested in the School on all that is happening with the School? If only there was a sort of online journal that would disseminate it outward. And there you have it. A discussion becomes an idea and idea becomes a blog. Genius.  Why haven’t we done this before?

We don’t want to over complicate it and we want to broadcast such information that would interest more than just our current students.  Therefore, this blog must contain more than just graduate project titles and abstracts.  We will also be sharing whatever we fancy, including but not limited to School news and events, alumni and student stories, and job postings.

So ground breaking, exciting, interesting, and informative.