Over 25 Pacific and OHSU Physician Assistant students and faculty worked together with help from Washington County, who provided a dumpster and tools for the event, to help an older disabled couple from Tigard. The couple has been unable to take care of their home, and didn’t have the financial resources to hire help. They’ve lived in their house for over 20 years, and in the last couple years have been unable to maintain the yard due to their disabilities. Fallen trees in their yard had become a safety hazard and wildlife had taken refuge in the overgrown lot. We cut down trees and bushes and cleared decades of debris. We ran out of space in the dumpster that was donated, so our volunteer committee is going to schedule another event to complete the job since we did not anticipate how much help they really needed. The couple was truly touched, grateful, and surprised that students cared so much, and that so many of us came out to help. It was truly an amazing experience!