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We are being featured this month on the ...

“For the month of October, the Society is featuring the Pacific University School of Physician Assistant Studies on the homepage of the PAHx website ‘Featured Associate’ box. The ‘Featured Associate’ box rotates on the homepage with the ‘Making History By Making a Difference’ box.” Please see:   and “The Pacific University Health Profession’s Hillsboro […]

News: The School of PA Studies at Pacifi...

July, 2015: It was announced that Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center (VGMHC), Pacific University, and Tuality Hospital will be working together to initiate and maintain a new transitions of care model.  Officially titled as the “Primary Care Training Enhancement – Community-Based Care Transitions (PCTE-CBCT) project,” it expands the before mentioned partnerships into a multidisciplinary training […]

It has begun…

It has begun…

Ground breaking. Exciting. Interesting. Informative.  These are our hopes for this blog.  The idea began from a discussion with a student.  She wanted to know what her fellow classmates were doing regarding their capstone projects.  What were their topics? What were their findings? Could the School email all of the students updates as they finished? […]


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