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Alysia McDonald: Intergenerational Progr...

Alysia McDonald: Intergenerational Programs’ Effect on the Mental Health of the Elderly

Intergenerational Programs’ Effect on the Mental Health of the Elderly   Abstract Background: Mental health disorders, such as late-life depression and dementia, are a growing problem the aging population faces. Common treatment medications carry with them many negative aspects. Intergenerational programs are being sought out as an alternative or additional therapy to medication. These programs […]

Shannon Donegan: Effectiveness of Non-Op...

Shannon Donegan: Effectiveness of Non-Operative Treatment  vs. Operative Treatment of  Unstable Distal Radius Fractures in the Elderly

Effectiveness of Non-Operative Treatment  vs. Operative Treatment of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures in the Elderly   Abstract Background: There has been an ongoing debate on how to treat patients over 65 with unstable distal radius fractures. The purpose of this systematic analysis is to review the literature and determine if nonoperative care in the form of […]


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