On string:

  • Detaché (several types)
  • Martelé 
  • Lancé
  • Staccato (several types)
  • Piqué 

Off string:

  • Collé
  • Spicatto (several types)
  • Sautillé
  • Richochét
  • Jéte


  • Viotti
  • Portato or Loure
  • Classical motif


  • Bariolage
  • Sulla tastiera
  • Sul ponticello
  • Son file
  • Col legno
  • Bartok pizzicato

MODULE 4 Accumulative Assignment

MODULE 4 Assignment

Suggested Readings

Applebaum, S. (1986). The art and science of string performance (pp. 1-71). Sherman Oaks, CA: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. 

Berman, J, Jackson, B.G., Sarch, K. (1999). Dictionary of bowing and pizzicato terms (4th ed.). Bloomington, IN: Tichenor Publishing. 

Capet, L. (1993). Superior bowing technique. S. B. Shipps (Ed.). Kent, UK: Encore Publications.

Green, E. (1990). Orchestral bowings and routines (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Alfred Music.  

Johnson, K. (2015) Lucien Capet and superior bowing technique: History & comparison. Los Angeles, CA: Alfred Music. 

Kjelland, J. (2003). Orchestral bowing: Style and function. Los Angeles, CA: Alfred Music.

Supplemental Videos

The art of the bow arm

The bow and the bow hand (part 2)

The bow and the bow hand (part 3)