Video on Teaching Development of “Left-Hand Frame”

Video on Teaching Opening the Space Between Left-Hand Fingers

Teaching foundational left-hand techniques includes teaching:

  • Position of the left hand on instrument’s neck
    • “First Position” position
      • About an inch from the fingerboard’s nut
      • Upper strings: Double contact (base of first finger and middle point of upper digit of left-hand thumb touch instrument’s neck); thumb and first finger across each other (on viola closer thumb closer to second finger)
      • Lower strings: Single contact (middle point of upper digit of left-hand thumb touches instrument’s neck); thumb positioned between the first and second finger
    • The height (level) of the left hand as related to the fingerboard on varied strings  
    • Straight wrist
    • Hanging and movable elbow
  • Shape of the left hand
    • Fingers round and hovering above the string  
    • Left-hand frame
    • Left hand and left elbow aligned and movable
    • Thumb movable 
    • Open space between the instrument’s neck and the wedge between thumb and first finger (upper strings)
    • Orientation of first finger towards the player’s face (upper strings)
    • “V Opening” between first and second finger
  • Finger movements 
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
    • Lateral
  • Elbow and hand movements 
    • String crossing 
    • Changing positions
  • Fingering patterns
    • Five fingering patterns (upper strings)
    • Five tonal patterns (lower strings)
  • Playing in tune
    • Spatial orientation (tapes and stickers)
    • Aural orientation (singing and audiation)

Desired outcomes:

  • Double contact (for upper strings) with no squeezing between thumb and base of first finger
  • Left-hand frame 
  • Alignment between the hand/wrist and elbow
  • Movable thumb
  • Orientation of first finger’s nail facing player
  • “V Opening” between first and second finger 
  • Straight wrist
  • Movable elbow
  • Aural and physical prerequisites for playing in tune

Course handout:

Left Hand Pedagogy Course Handout