Alicia Romero's ePortfolio

Pacific University, School of Occupational Therapy



My name is Alicia Romero and I am a first year student in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program at Pacific University. I grew up in New Mexico my whole life and graduated Cum Laude from the University of New Mexico with my Bachelor of Science degree in biology with minors in chemistry and psychology. Learning has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember and I am excited to share what I have learned throughout my life in my practice as an occupational therapist upon graduation in 2022.

This ePortfolio is meant to illuminate my experiences, qualifications, and aspirations throughout my journey of becoming an occupational therapist.

Mission Statement: To create an environment where those around me feel safe, confident, and truly cared for.  To constantly reach for knowledge and tools that will help me illuminate strengths in others and in myself.

It’s not what you gather but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you lived. Let’s scatter the good things. – Helen Walton

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