Alicia Romero's ePortfolio

Pacific University, School of Occupational Therapy


 Interprofessional Education Courses 

  • Interprofessional Healthcare Spanish I – Spring 2021
  • Interprofessional Travel Preparation – Fall 2020
  • Interprofessional OSCE – Spring 2020
  • Interprofessional Care for Autism Spectrum Disorder – Spring 2020

Level 1 Fieldwork: Pediatric/Adolescent – Spring 2021

  • Simucase

Level 1 Fieldwork: Mental Health – Fall 2020

  • Simucase

Level 1 Fieldwork: Adulthood – Fall 2020

  • Simucase

Level 1 Fieldwork: Adulthood – January 2020

Undergraduate Research Projects

University of New Mexico Department of Biology – Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology – 2016-2018 

[download-attachment id=”179″ title=”Undergrad Research Project”]

  • Independent research project conducted at the University of New Mexico through the Initiative to Maximize Student Development
  • Project focused on uncovering cellular mechanisms regarding the interaction of the parasitic protist Toxoplasma gondii and neurons upon infection
  • I presented this project at various conferences and talks such as SACNAS in Long Beach, California (2016) and Salt Lake City Utah (2017), Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (2018), and UNM’s Biomedical Research Symposium (2016 and 2017)
  • I have attached the link to a poster board that summarizes my research above!

Oregon Health and Science University – Department of Behavioral Neuroscience (2017)

  • Assisted research project conducted the Oregon Health and Science University through the OHSU Diversity and Inclusion Equity Program
  • Research sought to understand neurocircuitry that is involve with alcoholism with specific interests in neuroplasticity of brain regions related to reward and stress.

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