Alicia Romero's ePortfolio

Pacific University, School of Occupational Therapy


While creating this ePortfolio, I was reminded about the importance of organizing important documents in a way that is easy to find and I really like that the ePortfolio provides a one stop shop for all of those things. I think it will be important to update the ePortfolio as we progress along our journey because it gives potential employers quick access to who we are. In the future, I will provide my ePortfolio to future employers to give them an organized view of who I am as a professional.  I also think it might be interesting to send the ePortfolio link to previous professors and mentors as an update of my progress.  I look forward to adding fieldwork sites and other activities like that to my ePortfolio.

© 2024 Alicia Romero's ePortfolio

Theme by Anders Norén

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