Video on Teaching Stance

Teaching stance includes:

  • Position of the feet:
    • Apart and parallel
    • Right foot backward
    • Left foot forward
  • Malleability of knees: 
    • “Soft” and movable
  • Position of the hips:
    • Slightly inward
  • Shape of torso:
    • Elongated
  • Position of the shoulders:
    • Free
  • Position of the neck:
    • Straight and not tilted
  • Position of the head:
    • On top of shoulders and straight
  • Shape of the lips:
    • Relaxed and closed
  • Direction of the eyes:
    • Looking forward

Desired outcomes:

  • Position of the feet should be supportive of movement.
  • Knees should maintain malleability.
  • The stance/body frame should be supportive of instrument hold as well as relaxed.

Video on Teaching Instrument Hold

Teaching instrument hold includes:

  • Bringing instrument to the body rather than body to the instrument
  • Placement of instrument on shoulder/collar bone:
    • Variable and it is related to the size of the player’s arms and the width of the shoulders
  • Placement of the instrument in the relationship to the surroundings (floor/ceiling):
    • Guiding principle is “the flatter the better”.
  • Balancing instrument among three forces:
    • Downward force caused by the weight of the instrument, bow arm, and bow
    • Upward force caused by pushing strings towards the bow-hair
    • Sideway force caused by resting instrument into the neck
  • Position of the “f holes” in the relationship to the listeners
    • Guiding principle is “f holes” need to be turned to the listeners.
  • Instrument hold exercises
    • “Left Arm Around”
    • “Butterfly”
    • “Down and Up”

Desired outcomes:

  • Instrument is balanced among shoulder, jaw bone, and left hand rather than held in one fixed position.
  • Instrument hold is continuously negotiated among “three forces”:
    • Weight of arm and bow pushes instrument down.
    • Left arm and hand pushes instrument up.
    • Instrument leans into the neck.
  • Concept of “string meets the bow” rather than “bow is placed on string” shall be cultivated by reenforcing understanding that instrument should be parallel to the floor.

Course handout:

Teaching Foundations and Playing Techniques by Rote

Course supplemental handouts:

Silent Exercises Pedagogy Course Handout

Silent Exercises Pedagogy Course STANCE Table

Silent Exercises Pedagogy Course LEFT HAND Table

Silent Exercises Pedagogy Course RIGHT HAND Table